Argos uses a simple YAML configuration file to define the server’s configuration, the websites to monitor and the checks to run on these websites.
See here for more informations about the checks you can use.
Here is a simple self-documented configuration file, which you can get with argos server generate-config
# Except for frequency and recheck_delay settings, changes in general
# section of the configuration will need a restart of argos server.
# The database URL, as defined in SQLAlchemy docs :
# Example for SQLite: "sqlite:////tmp/argos.db"
url: "postgresql://argos:argos@localhost/argos"
# You configure the size of the database pool of connection, and
# the max overflow (until when new connections are accepted ?)
# For details, see
pool_size: 10
max_overflow: 20
# Can be "production", "dev", "test".
# If not present, default value is "production"
env: "production"
# To get a good string for cookie_secret, run:
# openssl rand -hex 32
cookie_secret: "foo_bar_baz"
# Session duration
# Use m for minutes, h for hours, d for days
# w for weeks, M for months, y for years
# See for details
# If not present, default value is "7d"
session_duration: "7d"
# Session opened with "Remember me" checked
# If not present, the "Remember me" feature is not available
# remember_me_duration: "1M"
# Unauthenticated access
# If can grant an unauthenticated access to the dashboard or to all pages
# To do so, choose either "dashboard", or "all"
# If not present, all pages needs authentication
# unauthenticated_access: "all"
# LDAP authentication
# Instead of relying on Argos’ users, use a LDAP server to authenticate users.
# If not present, Argos’ native user system is used.
# ldap:
# # Server URI
# uri: "ldaps://"
# # Search base DN
# user_tree: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org"
# # Search bind DN
# bind_dn: "uid=ldap_user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org"
# # Search bind password
# bind_pwd: "secr3t"
# # User attribute (uid, mail, sAMAccountName, etc.)
# user_attr: "uid"
# # User filter (to exclude some users, etc.)
# user_filter: "(!(uid=ldap_user))"
# Default delay for checks.
# Can be superseeded in domain configuration.
# For ex., to run checks every 5 minutes:
frequency: "5m"
# Default re-check delay if a check has failed.
# Can be superseeded in domain configuration.
# If not present, failed checked won’t be re-checked (they will be
# run again like if they succeded
# For ex., to re-try a check one minute after a failure:
# recheck_delay: "1m"
# Default setting for notifications delay.
# Say you want to be warned right after a failure on a check: set it to 0
# Say you want a second failure on the check before being warned,
# to avoid network hiccups: set it to 1
# Can be superseeded in domain configuration
# If not present, default is 0
# retry_before_notification: 0
# Defaults settings for IPv4/IPv6
# Can be superseeded in domain configuration.
# By default, Argos will check both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of a domain
# (i.e. by default, both `ipv4` and `ipv6` are set to true).
# To disable the IPv4 check of domains:
# ipv4: false
# To disable the IPv6 check of domains:
# ipv6: false
# Which way do you want to be warned when a check goes to that severity?
# "local" emits a message in the server log
# You’ll need to configure mail, gotify or apprise below to be able to use
# them here.
# Use "apprise:john", "apprise:team" (with the quotes!) to use apprise
# notification groups.
- local
- local
- local
- local
# Argos root path
# If not present, default value is ""
# Set it to /foo if you want to use argos at /foo/ instead of /
# on your web server
# root_path: "/foo"
# Mail configuration is quite straight-forward
# mail:
# mailfrom:
# host:
# port: 25
# ssl: False
# starttls: False
# auth:
# login: foo
# password: bar
# addresses:
# -
# -
# Create an app on your Gotify server and put its token here
# See for details about Gotify
# gotify:
# - url:
# tokens:
# - foo
# - bar
# See
# for apprise’s URLs syntax.
# You need to surround the URLs with quotes like in the examples below.
# Use "apprise:john", "apprise:team" (with the quotes!) in "alerts" settings.
# apprise:
# john:
# - "mastodon://access_key@hostname/@user"
# - "matrixs://token@hostname:port/?webhook=matrix"
# team:
# - "mmosts://user@hostname/authkey"
# - "nctalks://user:pass@host/RoomId1/RoomId2/RoomIdN"
# Secrets can be generated using `argos server generate-token`.
# You need at least one. Write them as a list, like:
# - secret_token
- "1d": critical
- "5d": warning
# It's also possible to define the checks in another file
# with the include syntax:
# websites: !include websites.yaml
- domain: ""
# Wait for a second failure before sending notification
retry_before_notification: 1
- path: "/mypads/"
# Specify the method of the HTTP request
# Valid values are "GET", "HEAD", "POST", "OPTIONS",
# default is "GET" if omitted
method: "GET"
# Check that the returned HTTP status is 200
- status-is: 200
# Check that the response contains this string
- body-contains: '<div id= "mypads"></div>'
# Check that the response matches this regex
- body-like: MyPads .* accounts
# Check that the SSL certificate is no older than ssl.thresholds
- ssl-certificate-expiration: "on-check"
# Check that the response contains this headers
# The comparison is case insensitive
- headers-contain:
- "content-encoding"
- "content-type"
# Check that there is a HTTP to HTTPS redirection with 3xx status code
- http-to-https: true
# Check that there is a HTTP to HTTPS redirection with 301 status code
- http-to-https: 301
# Check that there is a HTTP to HTTPS redirection with a status code
# in the provided range (stop value excluded)
- http-to-https:
start: 301
stop: 308
# Check that there is a HTTP to HTTPS redirection with a status code
# in the provided list
- http-to-https:
- 301
- 302
- 307
- path: "/admin/"
methode: "POST"
# Send form data in the request
login: "admin"
password: "my-password"
# To send data as JSON (optional, default is false):
is_json: true
# To send additional headers
Authorization: "Bearer foo-bar-baz"
# Check that the return HTTP status is one of those
# Similar to status-is, verify that you don’t mistyped it!
- status-in:
- 401
- 301
# Check that the response contains this headers and values
# It’s VERY important to respect the 4 spaces indentation here!
# The name of the headers is case insensitive
- headers-have:
content-encoding: "gzip"
content-type: "text/html"
# Checks that response headers contains the expected headers and
# that the values matches the provided regexes
# You have to double the escape character \
- headers-like:
content-encoding: "gzip|utf"
content-type: "text/(html|css)"
- path: "/my-stats.json"
# Check that JSON response contains the expected structure
- json-contains:
- /foo/bar/0
- /foo/bar/1
- /timestamp
# Check that JSON response contains the expected structure and values
# It’s VERY important to respect the 4 spaces indentation here!
- json-has:
/maintenance: false
/productname: "Nextcloud"
# Check that JSON response contains the expected structure and
# that the values matches the provided regexes
# You have to double the escape character \
- json-like:
/productname: ".*cloud"
/versionstring: "29\\..*"
# Check that JSON response is the exact expected JSON object
# The order of the items in the object does not matter.
- json-is: '{"foo": "bar", "baz": 42}'
- domain: ""
frequency: "20m"
recheck_delay: "5m"
# Let’s say it’s an IPv6 only web site
ipv4: false
- path: "/"
- status-is: 301
- path: "/munin/"
- status-is: 401